The seed of NeoSentra Group had originally begun in 1997 when The Founder created NeoSentra Colosseum as a Think-Tank Group to discuss the variety of topics for intellectual exercises and contributions among Student Movements prior to Indonesia’s political turmoil. In 1999, the group was changed into a more socially active movement and became known as NeoSentra Foundation (NeFo) based on the jargon by Former President Soekarno, New Emerging Force. NeoSentra itself means A New Center, or in a more self-explanatory terms, a Paradigm-Shift, a new way of seeing the world, and thinking not just out of the box, but also to realize that there is no box.
Having had a series of collaborations with many socio-entrepreneur groups, in 2001, NeoSentra Group came into being as a spirit to inspire and empower Young Leaders and start-up Entrepreneurs to build a sustainable business ecosystem that envision a learning society to represent those who want to build their dreams into reality by harnessing their capabilities of translating visions into actions. In 2004, the group experienced a hardship and forced to learn a very valuable lessons in life and business, that is to strive no matter what, and continuously build and rebuild the underlying visions even further, as a spirit with a dream and crystal clear end-goals.
Today, NeoSentra Group is reaching even higher than before, aiming towards mutual benefits of collaborative business view, where strategic partnership with all relevant entities are highly honored and will become challenges on how to generate an interdependent SocioEcoPreneurship environment in all levels of business and education widely, together. In all we do, We always begin with a question of why do we do this, and we are clearly determine to deliver the positive result and bring impact on each and every single one of our partner. The possibilities are endless!

“To Become The Most Valuable Entity For Human Life Transformation”
“Build Dreams Into Reality by Translating Our Vision Into Actions”
Enhance Our Team Capabilities
Refine Our Business Processes
Strengthen Our Customer Relationships
Optimize Our Strategic Partnerships
Empower Our Network Potentials
Our Team consists of a small number of individuals that strive to find the very best version of themselves, and express it to their surroundings as an integrated whole.

Jhody Arya Prabawa
Serial Entrepreneur and Prominent Expert in Personal Growth & Peak Performance for more than 2 decades.

F. Aziz
Chief Financial Officer
Nearly 3 decades as The Financial Engineering Maestro in many fields of business.

Budi Wiyono
Business Development Director
A seasoned Subject Matter Expert on Business Development Strategy and Public Policy Research.

Esti Sumarwati
Corporate Environmentalist
The Founder of Bank Sampah Hijau Selaras Mandiri and Senior Advisor to NeoSentra Foundation.

Esar Pusakawardhana
Chief Legal Officer
The Head of NeoSentra L.A.W (Law Firm & Legal Aid Institute).

Dhiti I. Prabawa
Chief Design Officer
The Mind behind our Visual Communication & Digital Marketing Design, and the Creator of our F&B Products.

Joviel A. Prabawa
Junior Vice President
The Project Leader on Leadership Psychological Phenomenon Research.
For The Next Generation to Live in The Next Civilization
The world is moving fast nowadays. It leaves behind everything and everyone that can not cope. So let’s focus on the things that we are in power of, it is Ourselves.
And always be prepare on what’s to come. For whatever that may come, if it is happening, then it is meant to happen. This is how we should train our mind, and the youngsters.
Inspiring Others
Inspiration is the core of our Actions.
It moves us toward our Goals.
We start from The Mind (Cipta), The Emotion (Rasa), and The Action (Karsa), or Thinking – Feeling – Doing, and then, let it go to start the flow…
Purpose Driven
We firstly identify the reason for being, the who, and then the cause, the why.
After that, we define the what, the where, and the when.
Finally, we design the how, and lastly, we simply committed to execute and finish it.
Wisma GKBI 39th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.28
Jakarta - Indonesia 10210
(021) 2260-7885